Thursday, February 26, 2009
Deposits of Seeds and Money.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Life Goes On.
C.R.E.A.M. Get the Money. Dollar Dollar Bill Y'aaalllll!!!!!
You know...
Friday, February 20, 2009
My show Rockitude!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Teeeeee for Temple Uuuuuuu! Uuuuuuuuu for Temple Teeeeee!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
And Then There Were Two...
I was offered acceptance.
I had to make a choice!
This was stressful to me because I'd been in relationship with Lesley for months, working on the B.A. Waiver essay and touching base about the process. I hadn't recieved my letter of acceptance yet, Bennington was giving me a week from their phone call to give them my answer. I really liked both programs.
This is how I discovered Blogspot and the Creative Writing MFA blogs that are on here. I tried to get advice. Who knew both programs intimately? Apparantly no-one who was reading my desperate pleas. I realized that noone was going to make this decision for me.
I called Lesley's and Bennington's Directors and let them each know about the other's acceptances. I spoke with faculty with whom I was familiar at both institutions. I asked a variety of questions. The differences between the programs were not in the areas that were really important to me.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
To Where I Disappeared...
Yeah, so...
Almost every day over the last several months, I've been like, "I need to post, I need to post!" However, this was an intense time for me. My daughter graduates from 6th grade this year, and the process of applying to schools to which she can go for 7th through 12th has been INTENSE! Further, I can't afford her tuition, and have to throw fundraisers to pay the balance after her scholarship. That fundraiser was a concert, and it took up sooooo much time. Of course, I still had to cook, do laundry, clean the house, do homework, be active at her school and bring in dollar dollar bills.
Just had the concert on February 7th. It was awesome (I'll be posting links soon enough.) The above image is of my back (I was on the phone) and my girl who helps me out on backgrounds was making fun of me (they say crack kills), along with the bassist who took that picture with his phone. My life is crazy, but I do have fun!
I'll probably post on this blog every day or two till I catch up to present day life. My everyday life is bananas, so stay tuned.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Catching Up
The way it works, I learned, is that, although I would work in both disciplines (that being poetry and non-fiction) I would have a declared focus. My B.A. Waiver would concentrate on that focus. I believed my focus should be non-fiction, as I felt less confident in that area, in spite of the fact that every writer I know who has read my work critically has indicated that they saw that as my area of strength. However, we decided to go the poetry route as I had a greater number of faculty advocates already in place in that genre. The process is as follows:
- A letter of support is drafted by and signed by two members of the faculty.
- My work is reviewed by estabished poets who are not affiliated with the University.
- Letters of support are submitted by these poets
- My academic credentials are reviewed by two members of faculty who are not in the Creative Writing Department.
- I write an essay that discusses my academic, life and professional experiences that show that I have, through a combination of those experiences, earned the equivalent of a B.A.
- I submit a Professional Vita
- These items are put together in a file that goes to the Dean who then, after reviewing everything, does or does not sign off.
- If I had less than 60 undergraduate credits, the file goes to the Provost. However I do have 60 credits (whew!).
- Once the Dean signs off on the above which represents the Department's request that I be allowed to be admitted for graduate studies, I would get a letter of admittance.
I did it!